The Church Of St Dunstan


Ascension Description


The Ascension is the final component of the paschal mystery, which consists also of Jesus' Crucifixion (and related components like his suffering and death) and Resurrection.  Ascension commemorates Jesus' return to heaven forty days after his resurrection. 

During the period of Christ’s appearances to the Apostles and prior to his departure to the Father, Jesus ordered the Apostles to remain in Jerusalem and await the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which would enable and empower them to carry out their Divine Commission.  

Christ’s disciples were the last to see him as he ascended into Heaven.

This is the day on which Christ the man takes his power as God the Son and reigns as King of Kings.  As he is taken up, he blesses his disciples.  Thus, his Ascension marks the end of his life on earth and the beginning of his life in Heaven.

The prayer for the day is filled with expectation, because in it we ask God to send us the Holy Spirit as a strengthener.  The color is WHITE for JOY.