Greeters & Ushers

Ministry Lead Greeters - Mary Lu French

Ministry Lead Ushers - Ben Strange 


The Greeters serve in pairs to welcome all who come to worship.  The greeters attend the doors up to the time the services begin, making sure that all are welcomed and assisted in finding their way around the facilities.   It is a primary objective of the greeters ministry to make sure newcomers are assisted and welcomed.   Visiting a new church can be intimidating for some.   The greeters exist to make sure all are greeted and welcomed to St. Dunstan.   


The Ushers primary job is to welcome people to worship and enable
their participation. Prior to the service, ushers hand out service booklets and bulletins as they welcome parishioners to the service. They also receive the offerings and present them to the celebrant at the offertory.
Ushers prepare the altar rail for communion and assist parishioners as
they ascend and descend the steps during communion. Ushers also serve at funerals and weddings as needed. They serve on a rotation basis with two ushers at each service.
COMING UP: Acolytes meet this Thursday at 2PM; Men's Bible Study group meets Saturday, February 22nd at 8:30AM; ALPHA Team Training for Holy Spirit Day on March 1st at 10AM
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