Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Ministry Lead - Bishop Fraser Lawton


Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs), parish members who are licensed to bring communion to those who are unable to attend church due to illness or other limitations.  

LEVs take communion to the sick and homebound after the Sunday Eucharist. They may also be asked to share communion with members of the congregation who were unable to attend a Sunday Eucharist or other principal celebration.

LEVs can receive training in their congregation with assistance from diocesan leaders or through diocesan trainings. 

LEV licenses are issued for a 3-year period and can be renewed by participating in online training and renewing all Safe Church requirements.

COMING UP: Acolytes meet this Thursday at 2PM; Men's Bible Study group meets Saturday, February 22nd at 8:30AM; ALPHA Team Training for Holy Spirit Day on March 1st at 10AM
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