
Vol. 6 ISS 8 August 2024



Not sure how to become a member or what is going on? This potluck will provide some information for new to St. Dunstan attendees. Plan to attend the Potluck!
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Established in 1947, The Church of Saint Dunstan was named for St. Dunstan who was the Archbishop of Canterbury, statesman and reformer circa 909-988

The Rt. Rev. Fraser W. Lawton is the 7th Rector at St. Dunstan

The Church of Saint Dunstan is part of the Diocese of Dallas and a pro-Cathedral working with other congregations in Northeast Texas (APNET)

St. Dunstan is home to parishioners from six counties: Wood, Smith, Rains, Tarrant, Van Zandt and Hunt

Our Three Shepherds

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AUGUST 10th—10AM
St. Mark’s,
Mt. Pleasant
All are invited
to attend.
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The Rev. Katie Gerber reports, “the Lion of Judah has Conquered.” Camp All Saints welcomed roughly 190 campers, ranging in age from 8-17. She commented in her recent Diocesan article, “What is such a blessing to share are the many students able to attend summer camp due to the generosity of our scholarship donors from all across our diocese.” She went on to say, “The Holy Spirit was so powerful and palpable this year. Welcoming and leading volunteers—mostly new—to summer camp to walk alongside campers sharing experiences—both joyful and disheartening. ...I am immensely grateful for the spiritual teams that gave their time, talents, and gifts to minister to our children and youth—teaching, leading, consoling, and even rebuking campers and staff.” 

APNET workshop  

On Aug. 24, 2024, APNET will present a three-part seminar “Later Life and All that Stuff” at St. Dunstan’s in Mineola from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.,
The seminar is a result of an earlier meeting this year when Mtr. Ethel Cannon presented the book “Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older” by Alice Fryling.  Topics will include the importance of pre-planning, how we can stay engaged in society as we grow older and finally our spirituality as we enter the last stages of our lives. 
The guest speakers/panelists include:
Ÿ Kyle Waggoner, a practicing lawyer in Mineola,
 A representative from Beaty Funeral Home of Mineola and Winnsboro Britany Myers, a clinical social worker and member of St. Phillips in Sulphur Springs
The Rev. Canon Dr. David Petrash,  Diocese of Dallas
Mtr. Cynthia Moore, Vicar of St. Phillips & St. Mark’s Mtr. Ethel Channon, Asst. Priest at St. Phillips and St. Mark’s.
If you are planning to attend, call the office on or before August 20th so we will know how much to prepare for the lunch. The seminar is offered to all APNET congregations at no charge and includes lunch. It would be helpful to know if you have any food allergies. To register, call the office at 903.569.2478.. See you on the 24th!
               - Mary Lu French 


Mondays at 11AM—Morning Prayer via Zoom
Wednesday at 11AM, Rector Bible Study, Parish Hall & via zoom
Wednesdays, 1:30PM—Intercessory Prayer, locations posted on bulletin board
Wednesdays, 5PM—Ladies’ Bible Study
2nd & 4th Saturdays, Men’s Bible Study
Sunday service 10AM and via Facebook.
AUG 3: 9AM-Noon, Annual Prayer Breakfast              featuring Bishop George R. Sumner, River Ranch
  at Texas Horse Park, $50/pp. Contact        Metropolitan Dream Center at 469.206.0226

AUG 10 & 24: 8:30AM, Men’s Bible Study Group      10AM, APNET meets, St. Mark’s in Mt. Pleasant

AUG 17: 10AM, Vestry meets

AUG 20: Grace Chapter DOK meets at noon

AUG 21: 1:30PM,  Intercessory Prayer group meets at St. Dunstan

AUG 24 10AM—3PM,  APNET Later Life and All that Stuff Seminar at St. Dunstan Parish Hall

AUG 29: 10AM—2PM, St. Paul’s Food Pantry Ministry, Distribution Day    

B.J., Madison and Bonita with  two of the popular gift baskets 


Acolyte, Altar Guild, Lectors and Media Schedule for August

Acolytes for August:
4 Tommy & Karen Campbell
11 Howard & Kathi Ladewig
18 Chuck & Mary Lu French
25 Wes Smith / Wendy Gholson
Lectors for August:
4 Sally Gregor
11 Tim Boswell
18 Mary Achziger
25 Pam Duncan

Altar Guild for August:
4 Cazzie Husbands / Margie Jennings
11 Lee Spence
18 Bonita Howell / Marcia Smith
25 Reggie Askins / Anita Reese

Media Teams for August:
4 Cazzie Hubands / TBD
11 Wesley Smith /Suellen Holm
18 Chuck French /Christine Brosky
25 Steve Holm /Marcia Smith 

ECW Prepares for fall event 

None of the ladies at St. Dunstan were prepared for the excitement the gift basket sale would generate, much less the revenue produced.
The stew luncheon took a pause during Covid and it seemed it was no longer a fundraising option.
The ECW forged ahead in 2023 adding a gift basket sale to the traditional Stew Luncheon schedule.
Officers will be meeting soon to
organize the 2024 themes for the gift
baskets. Ladies will be asked to
collect baskets and sign up to provide the themed contents.
There have been requests for some of the baskets to be part of a silent auction. The committee plans to accommodate both, baskets offered at a flat rate and silent auction baskets.
Tickets will be $10 per meal, either chicken stew or beef stew. Advanced sales will allow the ladies to prepare enough of each meat selection.
Options will be for meals to go and for in house dining. Tea and coffee will be served. The Stew luncheon is held each year on the second Friday in November. …


The following report (in part) is by Kitten Garrett, Director of St. Paul’s Food Pantry Ministry. Ms. Garrett’s full report is available to read on the parish hallway bulletin board.

“We at the Food Pantry are the hands and feet of Christ and we assure them [community clients] that they are in the right place at the right time and we extend that invitation to sit at God’s table and feast. We not only attend to the physical need in the Food Pantry but we attend to the Spiritual need as well and we assure they are honored guests and God wants them.

Members enter through the doors they are greeted and hugged by Sis Lorraine Evans from St. Dunstans who has such a warm embrace and a welcoming voice and the light of the Lord that shines through her. Everyone looks forward to her hugs and love. Sis Marcia Smith of St. Dunstans works crowd control and does so with kindness and love.

Our caring interview team is Sis Lee Spence, Sis Linda Connell, sis Celia Boswell, and Sis Patti Corbett all of St. Dunstans. All interviews and visits to our Food Pantry are confidential. Family members are served a delicious meal by our fabulous Food Team. Our Food Team consists of our own Sis BJ Johnson of St. Paul, Sis Jeanne Ann Lea, Sis Bonita Howell and Sis Pam Duncan all from St. Dunstans. The beautiful ladies ensure that our family members are served a delicious and nutritious meal centered around the theme of the pantry that month and what our Family Members will be receiving in their food orders.
Next our buggy team is ready to carry the groceries out to their vehicles. This team is led by our own Bro Ron White. Bro Ron’s team players are Bro George Brumsey St. Paul, Sis Veronica Lawton First Lady of St. Dunstans and Bro. Gary Smith. They are the last people our Family Members may see. They make sure that all are taken care of with kid gloves. ....Last but not least Judge Boswell, St. Dunstans, is our golf cart chauffeur. Judge fairies our Family Members from the Fellowship Hall parking lot to the Food Pantry due to our parking lot situation. Judge offers a warm smile and kindness to all he meets at our Food Pantry and on the golf cart rides. As you can see we have many volunteers working to make it all happen.

From December to May we have served 389 families and 995 individuals.

We can never thank our donors enough for all of the donations and for the individuals that pray for us. We could not do what we do without you, without the help and support of our Pastor and First Lady, our Church Family and our Volunteers”

Would you like to donate food items, or, become a Food Pantry Ministry volunteer? Check with Marcia Smith or any of the volunteers mentioned above for additional information. All volunteers undergo a brief orientation and training session prior to working at the Pantry. Distribution and work day is usually on the last Thursday of the month from 10AM to 2PM or until the last Family Guest is served.

The office will be closed December 23-27. Business hours resume on Monday, December 30, 2024